Staying Sane During the “Two-Week Wait”

Most individuals and couples who have undergone any form of infertility treatment report that waiting for the pregnancy test can be the hardest part of the whole cycle. This might feel surprising since infertility treatment can be emotionally and physically intense, but the time between midcycle sex, IUI, or embryo transfer and the blood test…

How to Stay Sane After a Pregnancy Loss

Experiencing infertility and/or after infertility treatment is a profound crisis. The moment you hear the news that you are pregnant, or see the positive home test, your mind may go into ecstatic overdrive: how to tell your partner (if you have one), how to tell family and friends, thinking about names, wondering about the sex…

Staying Sane over Mother’s Day

Almost everyone has a holiday which can be a trigger. The December holiday season brings joy and a sense of well-being to many, but for others, it can serve as a painful reminder of what they don’t have or disastrous holiday memories from the past. Thanksgiving is similar- while some enjoying loving family gatherings and…