First-time parents aren’t the only ones who can struggle with infertility. If you’ve already successfully brought a new life into the world, you might be surprised when your next attempt is significantly more difficult. It can be startling to discover that what once came easily to your body has mysteriously become a challenge. “I’ve done…
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Am I too old to have children?
Innovations in fertility science have extended the potential for parenthood beyond what we thought possible a generation ago. If you’re looking to start a family later in life than your parents did, you’ve got plenty of company. As of 2022, the median age of first-time mothers in the United States is 30 years old, a…
Are all fertility doctors the same?
Learn about the different types of fertility specialties, what they’re called, and how they can help you on your journey. There are multiple approaches to any medical problem, which may call for different sorts of specialists. Even within the specialty of fertility, there are a few different kinds of doctors you may encounter. Typically, a…
What causes infertility?
There are many factors that can cause infertility – including some that are within your control to resolve. Parenting naturally presents many challenges along with its great joys. Sometimes those challenges begin as early as the conception process, leaving even the most prepared parent-to-be frustrated. Infertility is officially defined as the inability to conceive after…
How ob-gyns and fertility specialists work together
Learn about the different healthcare partners who may be part of your fertility journey, and how they work together to help you achieve the family of your dreams. Deciding to become a parent is no small thing. There are many emotional, physical, and financial aspects to consider. Once you’ve made the leap and are ready…
When should I see a fertility specialist?
If a woman has been trying to conceive for several months without success, it may be time to see a specialist. It’s that time of the month again. You count the weeks and days, hoping that this will be the cycle that ends in a positive pregnancy test. When your period arrives, it can feel…
I’m a man. Should I see a fertility specialist?
Fertility isn’t just a woman’s issue. So, when should a man see a fertility specialist? No one wants to talk about infertility. But if you’ve been trying to conceive for a while, you may start to think: Is something wrong? Is it me? Before you go down that emotional rabbit hole, you should know two…
Why choose PGT?
What makes PGT different from other types of genetic testing, and other common questions If you’re struggling with infertility, there’s good news: Reproductive science is constantly advancing. One of the most important innovations in modern fertility is preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). Why? PGT can increase the success rates of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), especially for women…
Roe v. Wade Decision
Dear Patients, We understand you may have questions and concerns about the impact overturning Roe vs. Wade may have on fertility care. Since the initial leak of the Supreme Court’s draft opinion indicating their intention to overturn Roe v. Wade, Inception has been analyzing the potential impact that the ruling could have on our clinical…
COVID has changed fertility plans of many, says survey, local doctor
Approximately one-quarter of Canadians between the ages of 15 and 49 surveyed on the impact of COVID-19 on wellbeing reported that their family planning had changed due to the pandemic. Dr. Ioana Solomon of Full Circle Women’s Clinic discusses what she’s seen in her practice, including how patients choose contraception and whether they’ve decided to…