Donor Sperm IVF vs. IUI: Which Path is Right for You

Lesbian couple visiting male gynecologist in clinic

Advancements in reproductive technology have provided hopeful parents with various options to fulfill their dreams of starting a family. When it comes to fertility treatments involving donor sperm, two commonly utilized methods are In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). Both procedures offer unique benefits and success rates, allowing individuals and couples to make…

LGBTQ Parenthood: Using Donor Eggs and Sperm

In the world of reproductive medicine, advances have led to a myriad of options for individuals and couples who dream of becoming parents. For the LGBTQ+ community, these developments have been particularly transformative, enabling opportunities to experience pregnancy, birth, and parenthood in a variety of meaningful ways. Among the available fertility treatments, in vitro fertilization…

Categorized as LGBTQ

Gestational Surrogacy: A Pathway to LGBTQ+ Parenthood

For many LGBTQ individuals and couples, having a biological child is an important part of starting or growing their family. However, traditional methods of conception such as adoption or traditional surrogacy (where the surrogate is also the biological mother) may not meet their needs or desires. That’s where gestational carriers come in. Gestational carriers are an increasingly…

How Preimplantation Genetic Testing Detects Disease Before It’s Inherited

Trying to conceive often means learning to cope with uncertainty. For individuals with an inherited genetic disorder, the idea of having children can feel like an even bigger big question mark.  Thankfully, modern fertility science offers insights that can provide greater confidence and control over the future of your family. One of these tools is…

National Infertility Awareness: Prelude Patient Stories

Every year during the last week of April, the fertility community comes together to draw awareness to a topic that is seldom discussed openly: infertility. Known as National Infertility Awareness Week, this week-long event’s purpose is to advocate, educate, and support people who are dealing with fertility issues.  According to a recent report from the…

International Women’s History Month: Women Who Shaped Fertility Care

In March, International Women’s History Month is celebrated across the nation. At Prelude Fertility, we’re honoring the women instrumental in pioneering reproductive medicine. Here are some of the most well-known names in fertility care history. Louise Joy Brown An English woman named Louise Joy Brown, born in 1978, was the first baby born after conception…

The Most Common Types of Fertility Treatment

When roadblocks to fertility appear, it can be challenging to know where to begin. However, recent advancements in Assisted Reproductive Technology, or ART,  have made great strides in making it possible for hopeful parents to create the family they’ve always dreamed of. From sperm donation to in vitro fertilization (IVF), there are many paths you…

Can a Thyroid Condition Cause Infertility?

If you are one of the 11% of women of reproductive age in the U.S. having fertility challenges, you likely have questions about the underlying cause. Hormonal dysfunction may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but medical conditions involving hormonal imbalances are more common than you might think. One example of a…

Managing Infertility and Social Commitments

Taking the first step to start a family is exciting! However, each person’s journey is uniquely different in length, types of treatments, and the emotions that you are feeling each step of the way. During this period of time, social obligations will arise — holiday get togethers, birthdays, and baby showers. Certain events and social…